Pool Rules
These Pool Rules are for the protection and benefit of all pool users. They are designed to assure safe and sanitary operation of your pool. Parents should instruct their children to observe all rules and obey the lifeguards. Continued failure to comply with these rules will result in suspension of pool privileges.
The cost of any property damage or expense incurred through violation of the Rules by a member or member’s guest will be charged to the responsible member. The Swimming Hole, Inc. cannot be responsible for loss or damage to personal property on its premises. Members are urged to respect the property and privacy of neighboring residents.
The Swimming Pool, Inc. is a non-profit corporation with a volunteer Board and Officers. Your suggestions and participation are welcome.
Our lifeguards are employed by and under the direction of an independent, nationally-accredited 3rd-party pool management company contracted on membership’s behalf by the Board of Directors. They have complete authority in the management of the activities in the pool area.
- Lifeguards will determine which swimmers are qualified to enter the deep end of the pool and/or use the diving board via the Swim Test.
- Lifeguards may deny privileges to anyone who fails to comply with the rules.
- Because lifeguards are charged with ensuring the safety of swimmers, there must be no unnecessary visiting with them. Anyone consistently distracting, not listening to lifeguards or otherwise interfering with their work will be suspended from the pool by the manager.
Parents & Guardians: Please review these rules with your children!!
- Children of Age. Elementary school aged children (not completed 5th grade) and below must be under the supervision of an authorized responsible person while at the pool. The authorized person responsible for supervising elementary school aged children (not completed 5th grade) and below is at the member’s discretion. It is the discretion of the lifeguard to determine if a babysitter or sibling, supervising a child under the elementary school age (not completed 5th grade) and below, is appropriately watching the child in the water. If the lifeguard decides that the designated sitter is not appropriately watching the child in the water, the lifeguard can dismiss the child and the sitter from swimming.
- Horseplay. For safety reasons, the following are prohibited: running, dunking, wrestling, horseplay, unwanted pushing others into the pool, grabbing onto or sitting on ropes, any game a lifeguard deems dangerous to participants or disturbing to non-participants.
- Swim Test. To be allowed into the deep end of the pool without the direct supervision of an adult, any guest under the age of 12, must pass the Swimming Hole swim test (swim once the length of the pool unassisted, without rest/stopping AND tread water for 45 seconds). Lifeguards assess the Swim Test.
- Diving. Diving into the pool from a lifeguard’s chair or any other object (except the diving board) is prohibited.
- Showers & Toilets. State health laws require all persons to shower before entering the pool. Persons having a contagious skin condition or other physical condition that might be detrimental to others are not permitted to use the pool. Young children should be reminded to use the toilet before swimming in the pool.
- Glass. Glass or other breakable objects are not permitted inside the pool gate.
- Alcoholic Beverages. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
- Bicycles. Bicycles should be parked in the bike racks outside the pool fence.
- Pets. No pets are allowed inside the pool area.
- Toys/Floats. Large, soft beach-type balls are allowed in and around the pool, but are to be used with discretion. Inflatable pool toys and artificial swimming aids are allowed in the shallow end only. Fins, goggles and kickboards may be used in any part of the pool. Non-swimmers using swimming aids must be under the direct supervision of a responsible adult when they are in the water.
- Adult Swim. There will be an Adult Swim every hour at ten (10) minutes before the hour lasting ten (10) minutes. Adults ages 18 or over may stay in the pool during this period at their own risk. Children under 18 years of age must not be in the pool in any way during Adult Swim. The purpose of the Adult Swim is to give lifeguards a break from their responsibilities.
- Swim Diapers. Children that are not toilet trained are required to wear a swim diaper the entire time they are using pool facilities.
- Weather. At the first sound of thunder, lifeguards may immediately clear all patrons from the pool, but the timing of this decision is ultimately made by the lifeguards themselves or pool management. Expect both to error on the side of caution and please be patient. Patrons may not be allowed to re-enter the pool until at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder, but again, ultimately re-entry after a break due to weather is ultimately a lifeguard or pool management decision. At the first sight of lightning, patrons must clear both the pool and pool deck and exit the facility through the gate. Lifeguards should seek shelter indoors. Patrons should not re-enter the facility until lifeguards give permission.
- Pool Parties. Any pool party must be approved in advance by the Board through a request made to the Swimming Hole. Please email membership@swimminghole.club for pool party availability.
- Inappropriate Behavior: No profanity, lewdness, harassment, bullying or misconduct of any kind is allowed in the pool area at any time or you will be asked to leave and possibly your membership privileges removed.
- Pool Gate: The gate to the pool is to remain closed/locked at all times and should not be propped open.
- Divers must have passed the Swim Test.
- Only one person on the board at a time.
- Dive only straight from the end of the board. Never dive off the side of the board.
- Never double bounce at the end of the board. A double bounce is defined as 2 consecutive bounces at same general spot on the board not in progression towards the end of the board..
- Diver must check under the board and in front before diving – the diver is responsible if he/she hits a swimmer.
- Do not hang from inside the pool on the end or side of the diving board.
- Dives considered unsafe by a lifeguard are not permitted.
- The wading pool is for pre-school children only. Children who are swimmers must stay out of the wading pool unless with a child needing assistance.
- Children at the wading pool must be supervised by an authorized adult. Lifeguards do not supervise the wading pool.
- Swim Diapers. Children that are not toilet trained are required to wear a swim diaper the entire time they are using pool facilities.
Refreshments/Popsicles are ONLY to be given to members & their guests during Adult Swim and ONLY one per person per day is to be given. PLEASE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO TEACH YOUR CHILD THE HONOR CODE.