Pool Guest Policy
1. Accompaniment. All guests must be accompanied by a Swimming Hole member. Members must accompany guests at all times during pool visits and sign in their guests with the attendant on duty at the pool gate.
2. # of Guests. Members, or children of members who have completed 5th Grade, may accompany as many as six (6) guests. However, no one family should accompany more than a total of six (6) guests. (i.e. a husband bringing 6 guests and a wife bringing 6 guests for a total of 12 in the group is not allowed). If you intend to bring more than 6 guests, please refer to our Pool Party guidelines.
3. Pool Parties. Any pool party must be approved in advance by the Board through a request made to the Swimming Hole. Please email activities@swimminghole.club for pool party availability.
4. # of Guest Visits. The same guests may attend the pool as often as a member may accompany those guests.
5. Costs. The daily cost per guest is $3. We do NOT accept cash for guest fees. Your member account will be charged, and you will be invoiced once at the end of the pool season.
6. Swim Test. To be allowed into the deep end of the pool without the direct supervision of an adult, any guest should pass the Swimming Hole Swim Test (swim once the length of the pool unassisted, without rest/stopping AND tread water for 45 seconds). Lifeguards assess the Swim Test. Once a swimmer has passed the Swim Test, he/she does not need to re-test unless the child or parent requests such of a lifeguard.
7. Liability. The cost of any property damage or expense incurred through violation of the Rules by a member’s guest will be charged to the responsible member.