Dear Fellow Swimming Hole Members:
We hope you are enjoying pool season! Please take a few minutes to review a few updates below.
Design Review Board Approval
We thank everyone who has made the 1st payment installment on the capital assessment invoice for our Reimagine Project, and we especially thank those that have chosen to pay in full.
We would also like to inform membership that the Town of Davidson Design Review Board has officially approved our project, and we are now preparing for county approvals. Lastly, we remind you that the details of the Reimagine Project and a Q&A section are featured on our website.
Thank You, Storm Coaches!
The Board would like to thank each of the volunteers that made this year’s Storm Swim Team our 2nd year of offering such a wonderful activity for our member kids. Our coaches included Annie Veit, Whitney Feld, Mike Porowski, Claire Schmidt, and Mike Swigon. While we were unable to accommodate as many kids that wanted to participate, these volunteer coaches helped 50 of our member families experience the joy of learning to swim and compete. Activity creates shared experiences. Shared experiences create a stronger community. Reimagining our Swimming Hole is about more than just a new building.
Thank you, 4th of July Organizers!
A special shout out to Mitch Feld and Annie Veit for making our 4th of July celebration such a huge hit. A lot of time and effort went into organizing a great party, and we are so grateful for their leadership!
Pictures from the Summer
We would love to receive pictures from members that they are comfortable sharing in future newsletters. If you have some snapshots you’d like to share with the full membership, please feel free to submit them to Please ensure everyone in the photo is comfortable with it being shared.
Thank you,
Board of Directors
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to The Swimming Hole at